[Dprglist] Rayo Pinky-Pie 7.0

Doug Paradis paradug at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 07:03:48 PDT 2018

   I suggest that you consider having a Arduino Mega sent your way. It takes
 more physical space, but has many more GIO pins. Also, it has 6 external
interrupt pins and I believe 3 PinChange interrupt ports, as well as,
pretty much more of everything else. I was wondering about your pin
assignments for your encoders. It looks like you plan to use a tachometer
type encoder and not quadrature encoders. The Mega would allow you to use
quadrature encoders. Everything that you have done on the Uno can be
transported to the Mega (you might need to change a pin assignment or two).
It would allow you more freedom to expand. Here is a link to a reasonably
priced Mega, http://www.microcenter.com/product/486545/arduino-mega-2560.

Doug P.

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 8:23 AM, Eric Yundt via DPRGlist <
dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:

> I stunned and amazed at how easy working with the Arduino UNO is.  The
> plethora of example code, libraries for this and that, and who knows how
> many tutorials on Youtube and blogs is mind-boggling.  When I finally sat
> down with my new UNO and a breadboard, in 2 minutes I was reading a switch
> state, 3 minutes later playing a tune on a piezo speaker, 5 minutes later I
> had sonar results streaming on my screen.  The young members of team Rayo
> Pinky-Pie are thrilled that we'll be able to navigate and locate objects
> like dolphins and bats.  Thank you, Doug, for the tip about tying TRIG and
> ECHO together -- that worked great!  Of course, now I still need more pins
> because I'm thinking we could use a 2nd sonar sensor!  jajaja.  Now we've
> got to work on H-bridge and wheel encoders and our plan to take on the
> physical world.  Hmmm... we need a gripper.  Yep.  And more, bigger
> batteries.  Is there no end to this madness?!  ;-)
> --
> Eric
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 9:31 AM, Eric Yundt <eric at facetcorp.com> wrote:
>> My virtual world is now a spartan 32 KB Flash, 2 KB SRAM, and a precious
>> 1 KB EEPROM [an Arduino UNO.]
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