[Dprglist] Tesla

Randy Rosales rosales.r at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 10:01:03 PST 2017


"Are critics implying that marketing the autonomous driving system under
the name "AutoPilot" is suppose to send a signal to drivers of advanced
autonomous capability? Do people not understand that most aviation auto
pilots will happily run into the ground if you tell them to? They are
usually just attitude control systems. Sounds like Tesla's system isn't too
far from that. Driver told it to stay in the lane and maintain current
speed. Done."

That was part of my reply on the comments section of the article in
question. I thought the name AutoPilot was enough to make people understand
the severe limitations of the system.

My personal feeling on the subject? I understand the absolute necessity to
stand behind your work as an autonomous system designer. However, your
customers also absolutely need to take you seriously when you effectively
tell people that your system can maim and kill them and others if they do x
with it.

The driver here did x with his Tesla...thank goodness nobody else except
him and his family paid the price for that arrogance.

Tesla literally says in their AutoPilot press kit  (
https://www.tesla.com/presskit/autopilot#autopilot) that you should not
remove your hand from the wheel and that the AutoPilot. Such confidence!

Is the next question whether Tesla (or Ford, or GM, or BMW...etc) are in
the wrong for even publicly releasing products that can kill people if
misued in a way that is close to their intent, but explicitly warned
against by Tesla?

Guess there might be some legal battles ahead for some hair dryer and
bathtub manufacturers too.


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