[Dprglist] Oak-D Lite

David P. Anderson davida at smu.edu
Sat Jan 1 16:21:01 PST 2022


Good observation.   I've also noticed that after running 15 or 20 
minutes, the device is VERY hot to the touch.  I'll get the infrared 
thermometer from work on Monday and try to quantify that.

Have you noticed the same?


On 1/1/22 4:37 PM, Paul Bouchier via DPRGlist wrote:
> Hi David - I've been playing with mine too, and got similar results. 
> The way you get to view depth data is by clicking the top-left 
> drop-down and selecting "depth". The display will change to a depth map.
> The most useful ROS demo I've found is roslaunch depthai_examples 
> stereo_nodelet.launch, with gives an rviz window with depth data in 
> the 3D rviz orbital view, and left camera image in an image panel. The 
> nodelets consume 33% of a laptop CPU. It's a bit worryingly high for 
> an rpi4, but we shall see.
> This is a very good video explaining how the SW stack works
> https://youtu.be/e_uPEE_zlDo 
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1dGngrWSyoglO9xxoCltgxVfnx5uU21TOzGf9S6URn8ch_BzVEwaFO6-NONm3yEE3sLVH4QTIWqa5C__2jTXXZ1_-KptAtsSnt2R8qt71P2_EVVta3W1nwKghA_mBfJHnyu05PuxlN_KBuvPhrOqgzTTM3lfhBdcw6Iqr5jfRar2XvorYdqd-TUsgECULT8n7Qk4MBIhe8rnYQmNj94jKobSzqIMdQjJX3fu8c0b41CMust1EVkfm6LJE37mRJSCDBIpULzJ7Z4b2FHV8RWfbYhRMUFn2qBDMBb8rSxW0_hY/https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2Fe_uPEE_zlDo>
> One thing I've discerned so far is there are layers and layers of SW 
> involved here. The ROS stereo_nodelet demo fires up the depthai 
> interface, a rosbridge to bring data from the native interface into 
> ros, and publisher nodelets to publish the plethora of topics it 
> publishes. The bridge and
> I now perceive the camera as a thing that has stereo cameras and can 
> produce a depth image, and quite separate from that, an neural network 
> inference engine into which one can download various CNNs and run them 
> to produce typical image recognition results. IOW a 3-in one device: 
> webcam, CNN-engine, and stereo depth camera.
> Paul
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