[Dprglist] Odometry Calculations

David P. Anderson davida at smu.edu
Wed Aug 18 15:02:45 PDT 2021

Well rats.  Is there any way to fix/amend/overlay the video of the 
talk?  I hate for it to have wrong information.   And that mistake is in 
there 3 times...


On 8/18/21 4:53 PM, David P. Anderson via DPRGlist wrote:
> Hi Pat,
> The answer to the first question is yes, and I see that was not very 
> clear in the talk.  The read encoder drivers are returning the 
> derivative of the encoder counts, i.e., the number of counts since the 
> last reading, and not the cumulative count.
> For the second question, yes you are correct, that should be divided 
> by clicks per inch, not multiply.
> My bad.  Wonder what else I got wrong...
> thanks!
> David
> On 8/18/21 4:41 PM, Pat Caron via DPRGlist wrote:
>> As I am frantically revising code for my outdoor-bot for Robo 
>> Columbus, I am trying to calculate position and pose.  As I am 
>> reviewing the notes from David Anderson's excellent presentation I 
>> found the following and would like to clear up a couple things.
>> left_inches = read_left_encoder() * LEFT_CLICKS_PER_INCH;
>> Can someone clarify if read_left_encoder() is this the cumulative 
>> encoder count or the encoder count since the last check (delta count)?
>> The other question is left_inches = read_left_encoder() * 
>> LEFT_CLICKS_PER_INCH.   Would this not be divided by 
>> distance one wheel = encoder count / clicks per inch
>> Regards,
>> Pat
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