[Dprglist] Raspberry Pi Master to Arduino Slave (pimaster2ardslave)

Murray Altheim murray18 at altheim.com
Sun May 10 14:44:39 PDT 2020

Thanks Doug for that helpful summary. I was not so exhaustive in my
investigation but came to the conclusion that I would ensure I didn't
need clock stretching (#3) as the simplest solution. Yes, I'm using
lever switch bumpers and such, but I can also hook the BNO055 to the
Arduino (a Micro right now, a 3.3V Nano BNE Sense is on the way) now
that I have it up and running and connected to my Pi.

At some point I'll refocus and start working on my PID controller
again... One thing about building a robot is there never seems to be
an end to the small tasks, improvements, reconfigurations, hardware
and software bug fixes, etc.  I guess this is a benefit. :-)



Murray Altheim <murray18 at altheim dot com>                       = =  ===
http://www.altheim.com/murray/                                     ===  ===
                                                                    = =  ===
     In the evening
     The rice leaves in the garden
     Rustle in the autumn wind
     That blows through my reed hut.
            -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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