[Dprglist] Arduino Code Troubles

Pat Caron patcaron at mail.com
Thu Dec 16 17:27:46 PST 2021

Hi guys, I'm looking for help with the following Arduino code.

    uint32_t cm[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // Create array
    uint16_t maxDistance = 200; // Also used with NewPing.h library
    . // Other code here
    irSensorL.read(); // Read IR sensor... This is working!
    cm[3] = irSensorL.ranging_data.range_mm/10; // This returns 268
    if (cm[3] > maxDistance) {
      cm[3] = 999;                 /
    Serial.println(cm[3]);  / cm[3] value is always = 999

The cm[3] value is always 999 when I run this.
If I comment out the if cm[3]... statement cm[3] value is then 268.

...Pat C
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