[Dprglist] Fwd: [parts] Cheap robotics platform

Karim Virani pondersome64 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 15:00:33 PST 2021

Well, some of y'all are proud owners of used Pioneer 3-AT robots of unknown
functionality and completeness. I paid a fair bit more than planned, but
I'll honor the $200 each from David, Ezra and Chris. Though that's a
pickup-in-Dallas price. There really isn't an option to separately ship
from Nevada. So if you're far from Dallas you'll have to arrange further
shipping of the individual robot. If you don't want that, then I'll look
for other buyers at a higher price.

Lemme know,

ps. will update when I find out the arrival time.

On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 1:00 PM Karim Virani <pondersome64 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well the prebids are already over $900
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 11:56 AM Christian M Netter <netterchris at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Count me in at $200
>> Chris
>> On Dec 15, 2021, at 12:41 PM, Karim Virani via DPRGlist <
>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>> I believe Ezra's message was meant for the group. See below.
>> I would have been happy to lead a group buy, but we spoke about it last
>> night and there wasn't a consensus that we should proceed. We never really
>> got to the question of what the limit would be. We did confirm that it
>> would be at least $700. Then someone found a listing on ebay of someone in
>> South Korea trying to sell a similar model for $2,800. People might be
>> speculating that indicates its worth? If so they will be disappointed. That
>> one's been for sale for over a year.
>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/284085010523?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28
>> Anyhow, I don't want to get into parting them out or reselling them to
>> recover the value.  To me they are worth a couple hundred bucks a piece
>> including shipping, but I don't need 6 of them. If 5 others agreed on $200
>> that would put the max bid at around $900. That would have to happen very
>> fast.
>> Karim
>> On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 9:20 AM Ezra Christensen <ezracc at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Better act quickly if we're going to do it. It closes this afternoon.
>>> Factoring in split shipping costs of ~$60, how much are they worth to
>>> people?
>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 4:48 PM Karim Virani via DPRGlist <
>>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>>>> Well that depends on what it is worth to us.  Freight would be about
>>>> $300 and I know for sure the prebids are above $300
>>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:50 PM David P. Anderson via DPRGlist <
>>>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>>>>> Me too.
>>>>> dpa
>>>>> On 12/14/21 3:00 PM, Thalanayar Muthukumar via DPRGlist wrote
>>>>> I can also buy one for a split price, if someone wins and wants to
>>>>> sell one of them.
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> - Kumar
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 2:57 PM Ezra Christensen via DPRGlist <
>>>>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, the lot is for all 6 of them.
>>>>>> It's an auction site though - the starting bid is $25, increases in
>>>>>> $5 increments, while you can pre-bid it looks like the auction will open
>>>>>> and close in 3 minutes. Your initial bid is likely your only bid. They do
>>>>>> have an ebay style system where the winner pays the minimum amount needed
>>>>>> to beat the other bids. It doesn't go to their max unless needed. I
>>>>>> wouldn't be surprised if it hit $300 very quickly before shipping. Still
>>>>>> not bad even if you parted them out and gutted the boards.
>>>>>> If someone does end up winning and doesn't need all 6, I'll buy one
>>>>>> for a split price (assuming it's reasonable).
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 2:45 PM Karim Virani via DPRGlist <
>>>>>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> They were very expensive back then. Is the lot all 6 at once?
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 2:34 PM David P. Anderson via DPRGlist <
>>>>>>> dprglist at lists.dprg.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Pat,
>>>>>>>> I remember these platforms.  Pretty cool in the day, mostly sold to
>>>>>>>> university robotics programs, as I remember.   Very cool.
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> On 12/14/21 10:31 AM, Pat Caron via DPRGlist wrote:
>>>>>>>> * [EXTERNAL SENDER]*
>>>>>>>> I found this posted on the PARTS list.  (Portland Robotics)
>>>>>>>> Might be of interest to some.  It would be too expensive to ship to
>>>>>>>> Canada.
>>>>>>>> ...Pat C.
>>>>>>>> This popped up on my work's Slack. 6 for (currently) $25 seems a
>>>>>>>> steal. Though my coworkers don't seem to have a high opinion of these
>>>>>>>> platforms, FWIW. Also, you'd have shipping :p
>>>>>>>> Still, thought someone would enjoy looking at it.
>>>>>>>> https://www.govplanet.com/for-sale/Utility-Vehicles-%286%29-ActiveMedia-Robotics-P3-AT-Skid-Steer-Robots-Nevada/5728202?h=5000%2Csm%7C0%2Cpstart%7C120%2Cmf%7C1
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>>> Ezra Christensen
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