[Dprglist] Multi-threading on multi-cores

David Anderson davida at smu.edu
Mon Oct 19 20:43:43 PDT 2020


On 10/19/20 2:59 PM, Murray Altheim via DPRGlist wrote:
> but I
> rather appreciate being able to use Linux, vi and ssh as my environment.
> It's not Java on Eclipse, but it's also not a single file in Arduino IDE.

I'm not sure those are the only choices.

I develop all my robot code under Linux, using the GCC tool chain.  I 
use vi for editing files and make for organizing projects.   Cross 
compilers are available for ARM, ATMEL, MC68332, and what have you.  I 
like to say that "Linux is my IDE."

The STM32 Nucleo boards all include a hardware module to download code 
and flash the memory, as well as a hardware debugger you can attach to 
gdb if you're so inclined, to set breakpoints and single step to your 
heart's content.

I  will say that I also found the Arduino environment constraining --- 
hard to imagine how one would do a really big project, like a robot --- 
but I also find the Arduino's themselves pretty constraining.  Why use 
one when ARM boards are available? But it was designed as an entry point 
for beginners, and at that I think it does pretty well.

However I think I  must take exception to the image of me (and others) 
tediously cramming functionality into what was termed a "tiny 
microprocessor."   I actually find I have more processing horsepower and 
memory than I need, at least so far, and lots of room to expand.    And 
the ARM processor is a joy to work with.

Chacun a son gout!


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