[Dprglist] my own tanners

David Anderson davida at smu.edu
Thu May 7 14:39:04 PDT 2020


My father passed away in March and Mom, 93,  has been living with us 
since then.  Their house is only a couple of blocks away and I go by and 
check on it from time to time, pick up things she needs, water the 
plants and so on.

So today I went by and was looking for some 20 pin dip sockets. Dad was 
a Ham, since the 1940s (WK5K) and I found a closet in his radio room 
full of parts, all carefully organized and labeled in matching shoe 
boxes.  I took a picture:


Lots of electronic parts and hardware.  A whole box of metal standoffs, 
another of nylon standoffs, lots of caps and resistors, a separate box 
of 1%.  And a box of DIP sockets, including 20 pins.  My own personal 

I of course have a lot of parts myself gathered over the years, but not 
well organized.  So finding a particular part really means going through 
everything.   Which I do, and have done, repeatedly.   I probably even 
have some 20 pin DIPS somewhere. Same thing with our storage shed.  It's 
just always been easier to run down to the hardware store than to dig 
through the shed.

So, any of this sound familiar?  Or is it just me... :)


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