[Dprglist] DPRG Contest: LFS Competitors - Caution about Streaming your Simulator Run

Carl Ott carl.ott.jr at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 08:54:35 PST 2020

Heads Up,

I've noticed that Google Meet and Processing both fight for laptop CPU

In my case, this can actually disrupt the simulation run. In some cases,
I've seen it cause a Processing timeout that blocks LFS from opening all
the way.

I will show a work-around during the contest (basically - to disable your
laptop webcam w/in Google Meet). That seems to work in my case.

But you still may want to have a backup ready...

So - if you intend to compete -

You may want to consider making a video of your run before the competition,
and have that ready to show..

Best Of Luck to All!

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