[Dprglist] KR01 Robot at DPRG’s First Virtual Monthly Meeting – April 11th, 2020

secretary at dprg.org secretary at dprg.org
Thu Apr 9 07:42:24 PDT 2020

*KR01 Robot at DPRG’s First Virtual Monthly Meeting – April 11th, 2020*
Posted on April 9, 2020
 by Robie_robot <https://www.dprg.org/author/robie_robot/>

*Join us for a special online treat during our world-wide quarantine!*

This month the New Zealand Personal Robotics Group (NZPRG
<https://robots.org.nz/>) and DPRG, bring you a world-wide event in the
spirit of global cooperation. NZPRG member Murray Altheim will share his
ongoing “KR01” robot build from his home base in New Zealand.

*When:*Saturday, *March 11th at 1:00 PM* (This is an hour later than most
DPRG monthly meetings.)

*How to Join:*
Meeting ID: https://meet.google.com/snx-isac-zqt/

Phone Number:
(backup in case of trouble with computer audio, add a comment to this
meetup if you need a phone number for non-US locations)
(‪US‬)‪+1 609-469-1745‬
PIN: ‪862 716 153#‬

*About the presentation:*
The KR01 project was initially inspired by David Anderson’s YouTube video.
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CXReb7f0Eo&feature=emb_logo>  Murray
became a subsumption architecture convert after reading through Rodney
Brooks’ papers. He decided to build a Behavior Based System (BBS) in Python.

Murray began the KR01 robot project with these specific goals:

   - Learn Python.
   - Play with new hardware.
   - Investigate low-cost high functionality sensors and see what emergent
   behaviors could arise on behavior based systems.
   - Learn how to build “complete creatures” rather than isolated cognitive
   simulators as described in the papers below:
   1. Rodney A. Brooks, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
   2. Logic-based subsumption architecture, Eyal Amir, Pedrito
   Maynard-Zhang, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 153, Issues 1–2, March 2004,
   Pages 167-237

*Note: * Extra time has been booked for this meeting, in case participants
would like to continue chatting after the main presentation. We record a
video of these sessions and post them on the DPRG YouTube channel. By
joining the meeting, you’re giving consent to be included in the recording.
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