[Dprglist] Reminder: DPRG Meeting this Saturday at Noon

Doug Paradis paradug at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 08:00:03 PDT 2019

    Don't forget the DPRG monthly meeting this Saturday (9/14/19) at the
Dallas Maker Space starting at Noon.
Doug P.

*Introduction to the ESP8266 – Monthly Meeting Topic – Sep 14th, 2019*
Posted on September 5, 2019
<https://www.dprg.org/introduction-to-the-esp8266/> by Robie_robot

DPRG member Steve Edwards will present an Introduction to the ESP8266. The
ESP8266 is an easy to use, inexpensive, yet powerful 80 MHz WiFi
micro-controller. You will learn how to create a simple and secure REST api
(Web Service), which will allow you to send commands or query information
from your robots or other electronic projects. Steve will also be
demonstrating one of his recent projects. A lot of blinking LEDs are

This is a great opportunity to learn about the ESP8266.
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