[Dprglist] Tournament Invite

Karim Virani pondersome64 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 13:11:59 PDT 2018

For the second year, Iron Reign is hosting an FTC qualifier competition.
Last year we had a number of DPRG members in the judging rooms and the
regional judge advisor said it was the best panel he has ever worked with.
Thank you! I hope you are up for that again.

To me, the greatest value in these competitions comes from the judging
interactions and that means we need great judges. It's hard to find judges
who have direct experience with robotics and that's why we are coming to
you first.

But we also need more referees than ever. There are actually about 60 adult
volunteer positions to fill altogether. They have varying levels of
commitment - some are all day, and a few of them have an online training
and test. We know it's a lot to ask. But this is a very valuable way for
you to invest some time in the next generation.

The tournament will be Saturday December 15th at Townview High School just
south of downtown Dallas. My teams (I have 4 now) will not be competing,
but 30 high school teams are expected. Approximately 5 or 6 teams will
advance from this competition to the Regional Championship in February.

To learn about the roles available please try this page.

If you are interested, you can sign up and see the available positions for
this event here:
(Note that you'll need to login with a FIRST account or create one when you
go there)

If you have questions, please let me know.

Many Thanks,

Coach for Imperial Robotics, Iron Reign, Iron Core and Iron Star
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